A look forward for 2022

In 2022, the Robyne’s Nest partnership will continue with HBUHSD and NMUSD to educate and empower more teens with the skills and resources they need to become self-sufficient. We will also be piloting a program with HBCSD to provide group mental health services to at-risk students with a special emphasis on eighth-graders, before they take the leap to high school. We hope to give these at-risk students the tools and coping skills that are necessary for their positive mental health.

As we experience growth and times continue to change, Robyne’s Nest keeps the same resolve as always, to help homeless and at-risk students, with little to no parental support, become high school graduates and work on their individual paths to self-sufficiency.We are looking forward to a great 2022 and more lives changed and stories re-written.

If you would like to join our team, please check out our website: robynesnest.org

With gratitude,

Robyne WoodFounder and Director


February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month


Fourth Quarter Check-in (Oct-Dec 2021)