We changed lives this year!

Below is an excerpt from the latest Robyne's Nest Newsletter.See the full newsletter here.Screen Shot 2016-07-11 at 8.31.09 PMThis first year of Robyne's Nest was amazing! Take a look at some of our accomplishments:

  • Set-up food pantries in each of the main high schools with grab-n-go foods, toiletries and a few clothing items.
  • Placed 2 homeless students and 1 at-risk student in host homes to enable them to finish high school and establish a stable life path (including counseling & life skills). All 3 have received their high school diploma and are pursuing college/career skills.
  • Assisted 3 homeless/at-risk college students in finding stable housing/support and still  working with them to create a plan of action for the coming year.
  • Working with student to get into a stable home environment through the courts system.
  • Provided start-up funds for 1 student to get their own housing while in transition from high school to college.
  • Collected & distributed over $7,000 in gift cards, food & toiletries to 44 students & their families during the holidays.
  • Guided 3 students & their families to local resources to help with groceries, utilities and housing.
  • Helped 2 students get needed eye glasses, provided 2 students with bikes to get to school, provided repairs for 2 students' bikes so they had transportation, and supplied bus passes for students to get to job interviews.
  • Placed 6 students in our stipend program that enables them to focus on their school work and still have their food/gas/clothing needs taken care of. All had grade improvements from the time of entering program.
  • Provided 12 students with scholarships of $500 and 7 of those eligible to re-apply at the end of fall semester for another $500 for spring semester. Funds for this program were provided through the Molly McEveety Scholarship Fund and Celebration of Brian Fleenor donations. These students showed great perseverance for personal success through dedication to their education.
None of this could have been possible without your support and donations. THANK YOU!



Varsity Driving Academy Supports Homeless and At Risk Students at Robyne’s Nest


Ending the School Year and Celebrating Success!