Community Education Support - Middle & High Schools

Robyne’s Nest mission includes extensive community awareness and education about issues impacting our local youth, with mental health and use of illicit drugs being highly relevant and important topics.

Middle School Wellness Fairs

Recently, Robyne’s Nest Student Mental Health and Wellness Coordinator, Breana Vanini, and Student Programs Coordinator, Nicole Trani attended youth wellness fairs at Fulton and Talbert middle Schools. They promoted mental health awareness and provided coping skills, techniques, and tools to all the students who attended. Students had the opportunity to play with Legos, practice a starburst meditation breathing exercise, or engage in coloring activities to help decrease their stress. Students also spun the wheel, then answered a mental health and wellness question to see which mental health resource tool they won…

High School - Dangers of Fentanyl and Other Illicit Drugs

During the month of May, our very own Ralph Ornelas visited several local high schools, including Marina, Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Back Bay, and Valley Vista, to present on the dangers of drugs, especially fentanyl. Ralph is a retired LASD Commander and has extensive experience working with youth to prevent drug and alcohol abuse.

At Robyne’s Nest we prioritize the health and wellbeing of the youth in our community, and we believe in being proactive in educating and inspiring these teens to build healthy futures!


Back Bay High School Making a Difference Award


Thank You Youth Wellness Fair Sponsors & Donors!