Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens
In this week’s Life Skills class, volunteer Christy Hudson guided students through the “Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens”. Christy introduced the important truths about habits, and how to cultivate and fine-tune important Good Habits that promote success in all facets of life. Christy focused on things one can control, including how a person thinks about their future, and what they prioritize. She emphasized that habits can be good or bad, and the importance of cultivating good habits that can help students shape their futures. A huge thank you to Christy for her time and expertise!
Students learned about:
Being proactive.
Beginning with the end in mind.
Putting first things first.
Seeking first to understand, then to be understood.
Thinking win-win.
Synergizing (teamwork and cooperation).
Sharpening the saw (self-care and taking breaks).
Students left the class with new knowledge:
Understand YOU are responsible for your Reactions, so be Proactive when it come to your responses.
Learn about how to put the Important things first by recognizing what is Important; yet Not Urgent. Cultivate your ‘Won’t Power’!
Improve your Relationships by Listening Better with Empathy
And much more!