Life Skills - Budgeting: Credit

Our mission to keep students in school and guide them to self-sufficiency is a proactive approach to steer unsupported youth away from a life of drugs, crime, homelessness, human trafficking, or early parenthood.

Financial stability and independence are key components in helping our teens to break their cycles and become responsible citizens. In our recent Life Skills class, Budgeting: Credit, instructor Jen Krans taught students what a credit score is, the importance of having a good credit score, and strategies for establishing and keeping good credit. With these tools for success, students were then assisted with looking up their free credit scores, and to begin implementing a plan to establish good credit.

Robyne’s Nest students cannot be on government assistance, and are required to work part-time while in high school. These students are also provided a monthly stipend based on need, so that their focus can be on school rather than meeting their basic needs. They are required to consistently attend school with a “C” average to receive this stipend. Our finance Life Skills series classes support our students in learning strategies to effectively manage their financial resources in a supportive manner.

Our Robyne’s Nest focus is to instill personal responsibility and to empower these teens to become self-sufficient, complete high school, and progress on their paths to becoming contributing members of the community.

Credit Reports and Credit Scores Explained

Credit 101: Your Introduction to Credit and Why You Need It


Thank You Beach Cities Toyota!


Student Event - Holiday Boat Parade Festivities