Life Skills - Goal Setting Part One: Student Vision Boards

Our Robyne’s Nest students come very from very unstable, detrimental living situations. Before coming into our program, many did not know when their next hot meal or hot shower would be, where they would be sleeping at night., or how they would get through the day in front of them. Without any semblance of stability in their lives, and just trying to get by day-to-day, these teens generally see their futures as bleak, and have no concept of how to break their cycles and plan for better futures, even if they want to believe it is possible.

Goal setting is the process of deciding what you want to achieve, establishing a clear plan, and persistently working toward that achievement. It involves identifying something specific you desire to accomplish by a certain date, and identifying the steps you need to take to reach that outcome and be successful. Goal setting is a useful tool for anyone who wants to make their dreams and desires a reality. This can include students aiming for academic success, individuals wanting to improve their health or fitness, or pursuing a desired career or vocation. Goals provide a roadmap toward our ultimate objectives, and guide our focus to where we need to concentrate our efforts.

Numerous research studies have shown that setting intentions and visualizing success can help one get closer to achieving it. Specifically, visualization is the practice of communicating a clear and concise message to your brain, telling it what to focus on, and it can effectively translate thoughts and ideas into attainable actions. Diagrams, vision boards, images, and mantras can help tap into a visualization state.

A vision board is a creative collection of images, meaningful quotes or statements, song lyrics, or anything else that a person finds to be inspiring or representative of their personal goals, wants and desires.; it clearly shows what someone wants in their life. Typically, a vision board is the size of a poster board; it acts as a visual representation of an individual’s goals and dreams. This board is intended to be displayed and seen regularly so that the person thinks of their goals intermittently through the day, with the opportunity to begin aligning their actions and decisions in meaningful ways. When daily actions and decisions align with stated goals, the chances of achieving these goals increase tremendously. Vision boards are not intended to be static…they can be modified and updated as one’s visions and goals become clearer.

Our recent student Life Skills Class - Goals Part One focused on creating vision boards. Each student came up with three personal goals, and then were guided to identify steps/actions needed to accomplish these goals within the next 12 months. Students learned the purposes of goal setting, were taught about the benefits of visualization and vision boards, then were “let loose” to transform their goals and visions into a tangible focus. Thank you to instructor, Janet Anderson!

Our Robyne’s Nest Life Skills classes are an essential element in providing our vulnerable teens the support and resources they need to become self-sufficient, in both healthy and productive ways, and change the trajectory of their lives. Breaking cycles and changing lives.

Goal Setting: How to Master the Top Strategies for Increasing Life Success

How to Create a Vision Board That Works

Vision Board Purpose: 7 Benefits of Using a Vision Board

Vision Board: Ideas & Tips to Inspire Your Goals


Managing Finals Week


Thank You Kendra Scott and Model Citizen