Student Breather - Bolsa Chica Wetlands Walk

This past Saturday, our Breana Vanini and volunteers Mike and Trisha Ivison took many of our students on a beautiful morning walk through the Bolsa Chica Wetlands. Breana ended up across the way from the group and took this awesome picture (not a stock photo)! The fresh air, wildlife, and amazing scenery made for a relaxing, enjoyable experience for everyone, and after the wetlands the students had tasty time to do more bonding over Subway!

Students in our Robyne’s Nest program do not come from nurturing homes or supportive families that provide or encourage “normal” growing up experiences. “Simple” activities that promote wellbeing, and are so important for taking a break from the day-to-day “to dos” and challenges, are generally non-existent in their lives. Robyne’s Nest ensures our students have the opportunity for these types of experiences on a regular basis, and to understand how activities such as getting out and enjoying nature are an important component in developing personal wellbeing.


End of May Mental Health Awareness Month


Back Bay High School Making a Difference Award