Teens - Marijuana and Vaping

Although adolescent experimentation with alcohol and drugs is common, homeless adolescents use substances earlier and more often than housed teens. Marijuana has been identified as the drug of choice in this population and, in addition to traditional e-cigarettes with nicotine, many teens are now vaping marijuana.

Marijuana has serious short and long term mental and physical affects. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) , the primary chemical in marijuana, affects brain cells in circuits related to learning, memory, coordination and addiction. Studies have also shown marijuana smoke deposits four times more tar in the lungs, with 50%-70% more cancer-causing substances than tobacco smoke. Additionally, it is commonly laced with other potentially dangerous substances, can lead to dependency and addiction, lower academic performance, and with long term use can lower intelligence. Marijuana is more concentrated in vapes, with the potential for more serious side effects.

Vaping devices contain an “e-juice” that fills the cartridge. This “juice” usually contains nicotine extracted from tobacco, along with flavorings and other toxic chemicals and metals. Nicotine causes release of dopamine in the brain, a hormone that signals pleasure, is highly addictive and negatively affects adolescent brain development (through about age 25). The need for nicotine can contribute to many mental health issues including stress, anxiety and depression. Many of the flavorings, chemicals and metals found in vapes are also used as solvents, weed killers, and antifreeze agents; these can cause lung diseases and cancer.

Last week our students attended the mandatory Life Skills education class addressing the dangers of marijuana and vaping. Instructors Ralph and Susan Ornelas discussed the extensive physical and mental health risks of marijuana and vaping, with the best possible strategies to avoid use and being able to say no when peer pressure comes into play. Local homeless and at-risk students in our Robyne’s Nest programs are alcohol and drug free, and it is our mission to ensure they have the knowledge, tools and resources to remain this way on their paths to self-sufficiency.

The Body's Response to Marijuana

What is an e-cigarette (vape)?

Vaping and Marijuana - What You Need to Know

Vaping and Marijuana Concentrates

Substance Abuse Disorders Among Homeless and Runaway Adolescents

Factors associated with substance use among homeless young adults

Preventing Marijuana Use Among Youth and Young Adults


2023 Quarterly Impact Report April - June


Life Skills - Unlocking your Potential &Turning Goals into Growth