Testimonial of Success!

Growing up in an abusive home with drug-addicted parents, our student had been in and out of Child Protective Services and was homeless. He was associating with the wrong crowd and had no positive role models in his life. At 16 when he was referred to Robyne’s Nest, he was placed in safe housing, got a job, and accepted into the Job Corps, a Federal program that offers free education and vocational training. He went on to receive his high school diploma and joined the Marine Corps, a dream of his. In his own words:

“I didn’t really do much in school after fifth grade. I kind of just gave up and started doing my own thing. I started going down a not-so-bright path, hanging out with a lot of bad people, doing a lot of unnecessary things I shouldn’t have been doing. After I met Robyne, it was a big turning point in my life because there was someone there that gave a damn about what I wanted for once. She gives a second chance to all these kids. I could have gone to prison and no one would have ever thought of me. She gives everyone a second wind and she doesn’t look at you like a scumbag. She looks at you like a kid who was failed by their own parents.” --DZ

Now 22, our student is wrapping up his military enlistment, is married, paid off his car, and is ready to buy a home in Kansas, where he’ll work in chemical and biohazard cleanup. We are so proud of his success and wish him the best!

Help us continue to change lives and provide the safety, hope and support needed for our young people to be successful and self-sufficient.

Help Robyne's Nest continue to impact the lives of students like DZ by donating to our 130k in 30 days fundraiser below:



Thank you Vons!


Third Quarter Check-in (July-September)