Thank You Thanksgiving Break Food Drive

A huge THANK YOU to all who donated and volunteered, and to the following incredible companies and organizations for their time and support of our Thanksgiving Break Food Drive with their food collections, gift card campaigns, bag assemblies and deliveries: First Team Real Estate, Fountain Valley Grocery Outlet, Albertson’s Nourishing Neighbors Program, Congregation B’Nai Tzedek, Dwyer Middle School ASB, Tamura Elementary School, Lion’s Heart Organization, and the Greater Huntington Beach Interfaith Council.

With your support, Robyne’s Nest provided 675 bags of food and gift cards for perishable items to 335 students in-need, at 15 schools in the Huntington Beach Unified High School and Newport Mesa School Districts…wow! We are truly honored to be a part of this generous village!


Thanksgiving Gratitude to Latter-day Saints and NCL Newport


Life Skills Social Etiquette - Dinner