Volunteer Highlight Series - Linda Kannow

Linda Kannow and her husband Bill live in Huntington Beach with Mac and Molly, their two rescue Mini Golden Doodle dogs. They have resided in Huntington Beach since 1975 and raised their two children there. Huntington Beach is also currently home to their adult son, his wife, and three of their 11 grandchildren.Linda has been a volunteer at Robyne’s Nest since 2018 and comes well-qualified! After a 20-year career in education as a teacher, mentor, and finally as an administrator she is a true advocate for students.

At Robyne’s Nest, Linda has the important job of making the students feel loved and appreciated by filling and delivering goody bags to them for holidays and birthdays as well as care packages to get them through testing/finals at school. She and Bill also host a much-anticipated annual holiday party for the students in their beautiful home. Linda is also responsible for sending out birthday and anniversary cards to the Robyne’s Nest volunteers. And, as if that isn’t enough to keep her busy, she helps in the pantry and office whenever time permits.

After retiring, Linda felt finding Robyne’s Nest was a gift because she could combine philanthropy with her connection to high school students. She stated that the organization has strong leadership and everyone cares deeply and personally for the students always keeping them a priority. Every time she leaves the office, she said her heart is full knowing she did a little something to help a student in need.When asked to share her superhero power, there was much to choose from: skilled organizer, creative thinker, problem solver. We can settle on all of those with, creative problem solver! Thank you, Linda, for your exceptional expertise, your heart, and time. The Robyne’s Nest team and students are lucky to have you as an esteemed volunteer.


Thank you Doma Holdings


Thank You Rozar Family Foundation!