Volunteer Spotlight - Shawna Huerta

Volunteers are the life blood of Robyne’s Nest, and this month we are celebrating our dedicated and wonderful food drive coordinator, Shawna Huerta.

From Shawna: Volunteer Spotlight

My husband Humberto and I moved to Huntington Beach in 1996 where we raised our two children, Sean and Fiona.  I worked in Human Resources for about 20 years and when my kids went off to college, I had an opportunity to take time off from my career to travel. 

I learned about Robyne’s Nest through a social media post several years ago and I was immediately interested in getting involved.  I started as a volunteer during the pandemic, helping coordinate fresh food distributions to our student families.  Currently, I serve as the food drive coordinator, connecting with local organizations and community members to collect non-perishables and donations for the Thanksgiving, Winter Break, and Spring Break food bag programs.  One of my favorite volunteer activities is the annual Secret Santa/Adopt-a-Student program.  I love shopping for all the items on the student wish list!    

It's been amazing to work with Robyne and the staff and volunteers at Robyne’s Nest, and also to become acquainted with so many of the wonderful and supportive organizations and community members in and around Huntington Beach.   

Robyne’s Nest extends our heartfelt gratitude to Shawna!


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