Welcome John & Jack

John French

Student Care Coordinator

Born in Olympia, WA where at a young age a love of the outdoors was instilled in me by family and friends. After graduating high school I spent two years at a junior college in Vancouver, WA getting my AA. When deciding where to go next I had always wanted to go somewhere far away completely different from Washington and decided on the University of Hawaii.

At the University I received a bachelor's degree in Family Resources, while also fostering a love for the Ocean and working outdoors with adolescents. After graduating I began working for the Hawaii Nature Center as an Environmental educator first on Oahu and then moving to the Island of Maui. I spent six wonderful years working at the Nature Center before I began bouncing around to different outdoor jobs again working with adolescents.

I went to Australia, Portland, OR, Northern California, a few other place in-between before landing in Utah at wilderness therapy program working with at risk teens. I spend there years there and decided I needed to be close to the Ocean again but also wanted to continue working with young adult.

That's how I found myself at Robyne's Nest!

Jack Linos

Student Care Intern

Jack has over 5 years experience in mental health and addiction settings. Currently, he is completing his master's degree in Social Work from Arizona State University.

Jack believes in a strengths-based perspective and focuses on positive attributes, resiliency, and supporting others in achieving their goals.In his free time, Jack has been involved in the Racing Greyhound Rescue movement for almost two decades, and he is passionate about film.


1st Annual Chili Cookoff


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