Your Holiday Donations Made All the Difference!
Thank you to everyone that made generous monetary and item donations these last two weeks...a little bit put together makes a lot! Between school family donations and community donations, we were able to bless 44 HB/FV school families with approximately $7000 worth of gift cards, food and toiletries on December 18, 2015. 15 HB high school students/families received Robyne's Nest holiday foodbox donations. We were able to provide them a box of non-perishable foods and a bag of fresh fruits and veggies.A special thank you to Angela Rainsberger for all her help, donations, and additional thinking. Thank to the DaSilva, Ivison and Greer Families for their help in assembling the boxes & bags and for the cooperation to make it all happen. Thank you to Pamela Harvey for her generous donations of toiletry items.
We couldn’t have done it without your support and giving. May your holidays be blessed with all the peace and joy your hearts desire!Thank you again from Robyne’s Nest and all the families you helped this very Merry Christmas!!