Catherine Tran, New Pantry Coordinator

Catherine Tran

Volunteers are the heart and soul of Robyne’s Nest. We appreciate everything they do to help us achieve our goals of serving our students. This month we are highlighting a new volunteer who has jumped in with both feet. Catherine Tran has joined us as our new Pantry Coordinator, a key role for our students and all of the families helped by our school break food drives.

Catherine joined The Nest in October of 2022 and quickly became an important member of the team. She initially found us on Facebook and started following our posts to learn more about us. She decided to join us because she loved the idea of helping kids make it through high school and get their high school diploma. In her words, "I saw the love and support that Robyne's Nest offers these kids in need and knew it was an organization I wanted to be a part of.”

Catherine helped out at our first Chili Cookoff and also with our winter food drives and from there she was hooked. She recently agreed to step into the role of Pantry Coordinator, overseeing the pantry’s inventory, distribution of donated food for students and coordinating our school break food distribution.

When asked why she volunteers, her reply was "I love helping people, it's one of my passions in life. Volunteering at Robyne's Nest has given me the opportunity to meet great people and to see how everyone works together to help these kids. We work hard and at the end of the day we're tired, but it is so rewarding!"

Thank you Catherine! If you are interested in learning more about Robyne's Nest and how you can help, click here.


Volunteer Spotlight - Alex Alverez


1st Annual Chili Cookoff