Life Skills - Mental Health

Our recent Life Skills classes focused on art as another means for positively channeling feelings, and learning about perseverance in overcoming hardships.

Our art class volunteer Trisha Ivison guided students in painting canvases outdoors at Lake Park while listening to music. Students enjoyed the beautiful weather and opportunity for a bit of creativity!

For the perseverance class, volunteers Bret and Laura Berg taught students the importance of overcoming hardships in life, and finding positive ways and techniques to tackle life’s difficulties with resilience and growth. Bret shared many of his personal stories, engaged students in sharing their trials, and discussed strategies to guide students in taking steps towards overcoming these obstacles.

A big thank you to Round Table for providing pizza and breadsticks for dinner after the art class, and to Bret and Laura Berg for a delicious homemade dinner after their perseverance class!


Student Life Skills - Saying “No” to Social Pressures


End of May Mental Health Awareness Month