Meet our Partner Series - Dwyer ASB

Our community partners support our mission and are crucial in achieving our goal of helping underserved youth. This month, we are proudly featuring our partner, the Associated Student Body (ASB) of Ethel Dwyer Middle School and their advisor, Miss Jennifer Meeter. We are so grateful to Miss Meeter and the Dwyer ASB for fostering a sense of giving and a true sense of community. If you are interested in partnering with Robyne’s Nest, please visit 

Our community partners support our mission and are crucial in achieving our goal of helping underserved youth. This month, we are proudly featuring our partner, the Associated Student Body (ASB) of Ethel Dwyer Middle School located at 1502 Palm Avenue in Huntington Beach.

Dwyer’s ASB is under the guidance of Miss Jennifer Meeter and have been dependable supporters of Robyne’s Nest with their school-wide drives: a food drive for Thanksgiving, winter wear for the Winter Weather Drive, and hygiene products for their Spring Toiletry Drive. The students, also known as Jr. Oilers, can also be relied on for helping at optional volunteer events that Robyne’s Nest hosts throughout the year. Miss Meeter shared that when serving the community, Dwyer Middle School focuses on its core values of GRIT: Gratitude, Responsibility, Integrity, and Tenacity, both in and out of the classroom. Their motto being, “Jr. Oilers live and learn with GRIT.” When the ASB students show up to volunteer for Robyne’s Nest, we are confident that the Dwyer legacy will be continued.

When asked what Dwyer ASB would like to provide the community from their partnership with Robyne’s Nest, Miss Meeter replied, “Dwyer ASB hopes to help those in need within their own community. Students are encouraged to give out of the goodness of their heart.” She followed up with, “there are no ‘prizes’ offered for donating or volunteering because the real ‘prize’ is knowing that they did something good for the community.”

We are so grateful to Miss Meeter and the Dwyer ASB for fostering a sense of giving and a true sense of community. If you see one of these amazing students at one of our events, please take a moment to thank them and let them know how much they are appreciated.

If you are interested in partnering with Robyne’s Nest, please visit


Fourth Quarter Check-in (Oct-Dec 2021)


Introducing our Intern - Jenna Dahl