Introducing our Intern - Jenna Dahl

Join us in welcoming our newest Robyne’s Nest intern… Jenna Dahl!

Jenna graduated from Cal Poly SLO in 2020 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Child Development. She is currently working on her Master of Social Work through an online program at Arizona State University. As part of her masters’ program curriculum, Jenna will be interning with Robyne’s Nest this semester assisting with the population we serve.

“I hope to connect with clients and increase my rapport-building skills. I also hope to better the community in any way I can through this internship while also building connections with my coworkers,” Jenna said.

Volunteerism started young for Jenna. In middle school, she joined National Charity League learning firsthand about its many philanthropies through her involvement with the organization. In high school and college, she was afforded the opportunity to travel with her church on several international missions serving communities in need. Although academics are her current priority, when time permits, she volunteers at local food banks and her church.

When asked what makes her happy, Jenna shared the following, “Seeing other people happy brings me so much joy! My two French bulldogs make me extremely happy. Being surrounded by loved ones makes me happy. I also enjoy hot yoga because it de-stresses me and helps me find balance.”

Robyne’s Nest is so fortunate to have Jenna join our team as an intern. Please join us in thanking her for choosing to make a difference in our community.


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