Robyne’s Nest is 9 Today!

Today is the day 9 years ago Robyne’s Nest became a CA corporation! Our executive director Robyne Wood knew this was the path she had to take to bring the vision in her head to life…supporting our local at-risk and homeless high school students on paths to graduation and self-sufficiency. It is Robyne’s firm belief that we have the opportunity and responsibility, as a community, to take care of these students who, despite their circumstances, continue to go to school and have not turned to alcohol or drugs, and we cannot not leave them behind

With the efforts of the Robyne’s Nest crew, and the incredible support of the community, we continue to grow and provide more services to our students in need every year! We are so thankful for everyone that has believed in our mission since the beginning. Our success is truly your success!


Volunteer With Us!


Student Game Night