Soaring for Success Career Mentoring Program

The focus of our Robyne’s Nest Soaring for Success career mentoring program is to provide high school juniors and seniors, who have little to no parental support, help with finding direction in life after high school. Students meet weekly with the mentor who is experienced in their career of interest during the 6 week program.

Our current program at Early College High School in Costa Mesa began early October, and is well underway. Students have been regularly meeting with their mentors to learn about the different facets of their career choices, the education and experience required, and for guidance, support and instruction in pursuing their career and life goals after high school.

Our program will rotate through our local HB high schools as the school year progresses.

Soaring For Success Career Mentoring Program

Robyne's Nest Volunteer Questionnaire


2023 Quarterly Impact Report July - September


Fireside Chat - Kimberly Williams, PhD