Fireside Chat - Kimberly Williams, PhD

Our Fireside Chat program introduces students to careers with live professionals in the field, and allows students to interact and ask questions for a deeper understanding of, and the path the presenter followed to arrive at their profession.

Dr. Kimberly Williams has a B.S. in Human Services, and was awarded an Honarary Doctorate in Biblical Counseling. She is a retired Probation Officer, Certified Life Coach, Best-Selling Amazon Author, and Inspirational Speaker who spends much of her free time volunteering for many different non-profits, especially ones that work with women.

Kimberly spoke to our students last week about her life growing up and much of the trauma she experienced. She discussed her career in law enforcement, beginning as a Deputy Juvenile Correctional Officer for 5 years, then promoting and completing her 16 years on the department as a Deputy Probation Officer II, working with youth and families. Kimberly shared her love of working with the juveniles in the program, and her passion for supporting change and helping to transform lives. She spoke about some of the most effective coping skills she's learned over the years, and also addressed qualities that makes an individual more employable.

At Robyne’s Nest, we take a proactive approach to instill personal responsibility and empower our teens to become self-sufficient, contributing members of the community. We are truly grateful to Dr. Williams and the professionals in our community who share their time, life experiences, and wisdom to show our students that they can break their cycles of abandonment and neglect, and create positive, lasting changes in their lives.

Dr. Kimberly Williams Digital Brochure


Soaring for Success Career Mentoring Program


Volunteer Spotlight - Lori Brunner and Kelly Eddy