Teens and Sleep

The teenage years are generally stressful for any young adult. Sleep deprivation is both a result of, and contributing factor to stress, resulting in a vicious cycle of sleep loss. For at-risk or homeless students who do not have a consistent, safe, comfortable place to sleep, this cycle is magnified, with devastating consequences. Poor academic performance, physical, behavioral and mental health issues including anxiety, depression and suicide are far more prevalent in homeless teens.

There are many accessible methods to assist with altering the sleep deprivation cycle, such as limiting caffeine near bedtime, sunlight exposure, daytime physical activity, and use of relaxing essential oils in the evening. However, crucial strategies such as following a regular bedtime/waking time schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and creating a supportive sleep environment are not possible for homeless teens, such that these students are unlikely to be able to break the sleep deprivation cycle, and will suffer the negative consequences that go with chronic lack of sleep.

Robyne’s Nest provides wraparound services to the teens we serve in the HBUHSD and NMUSD areas. The services we provide include safe housing, mental health therapy, tutoring, basic needs foods and supplies, and Life Skills classes. Our Life Skills class this week addresses the topic of sleep deprivation and ways to create healthy sleeping habits.

Sleep Deprivation in Teens

Essential Oils for Sleep


Physical Activity & Teen Mental Health


Thank You Help Them Home Community