What is Robyne’s Nest? Week 2 - General Overview

Robyne’s Nest is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization in Huntington Beach, CA. As a non-profit we have a federally tax-exempt status. Robyne’s Nest does not request nor receive any federal government funding.

In Fiscal Year 24 (July 2023 -June 2024), 11.5% of our annual budget went to administrative costs, 6% to fundraising, and 82.5% to our student programs. Many of our core team members are volunteers, as are all of our support team members, which is how we are able to keep our administrative costs to a minimum, and ensure the majority of our funding goes to what matters most.


Thank You Leslie Lujan & the Paséa Hotel!


Life Skills Series - Groceries & Cooking on a Budget