News from the Nest
We Raised 130K in 30 Days!
Thank you to everyone who donated to help us raise 130K in 30 Days!
Congratulations Intern Shannon!
We would like to extend an enormous Congratulations to our wonderful intern Shannon, on her graduation from BYU, Idaho.
Holiday Shout Out!
Thank you to all who supported us this holiday season. A special shout out…
In Their Own Words…
Our local school partners appreciate your support of Robyne’s Nest and our local students.
Student Holiday Celebration
Students had an amazing time celebrating the holidays together!
Student Holiday Event - The Nutcracker Ballet
Last week, house parents, Mark and Valeria took our 5 students to a performance of the Nutcracker Ballet.
Thank You Toyota Motor Sales, USA, Inc.
Thank you Toyota USA and Tami Fournier for donating 30 bikes!
Thank You Winter Break Food Drive!
Thank you to everyone who donated, assembled and delivered food bags to our Holiday - Winter Break Food Drive!
Student Housing
Your donation helps us provide safe, stable housing in our student house and rented apartments!
Thank You Fountain Valley Dance Team!
Thank you FVHS Dance Team for your holiday food and gift card drive donations!
Life Skills Workplace Etiquette & Coping During Holidays
Our Life Skills classes focus on providing awareness, techniques, skills and more for students.
Thank You Girl Scout Troop 4167!
Thank you Girl Scout Troop 4167 for collecting and donating an incredible amount of cash, gift cards, and food for our Winter Break food drive!
Unaccompanied Youth Experiencing Homelessness
The 2023 HUD Annual Homelessness Assessment Report showed a significant increase in homelessness in unaccompanied youth compared to 2022.
Thank You Huntington Christian!
Thank you Huntington Christian 4th graders for your wonderful food and gift card donations!
Thank You Holiday Food Drive - Thanksgiving!
It’s a wrap! THANK YOU to our incredible community for your support of our Holiday Food Drive for Thanksgiving Break!
Thank You Schroeder Academy Socktober!
Schroeder Academy in Huntington Beach hosted a Socktober sock drive!